Feb 28, 2022

Taking time off... for you!

Like most of us, you started working for yourself because you wanted more freedom and flexibility with your time, you wanted a better work situation or ability to be more creative, maybe its all them things?

But one of the biggest things we all forget from time to time is we are the boss, we make our own rules, and we need to build our business around our life. After all, you did quit a 9-5 job to have more freedom, so give yourself that freedom, take time off because you deserve it.

Now, I know it’s not that easy, but the fact is, you can’t afford not to get away. But getting away doesn't mean you need to take weeks off!

Have more long weekends!

If a week away is not your thing, for whatever reason, then consider simply having more long weekends. You will rejuvenate your batteries, yet still get work done.

We frequently go on weekend adventures camping or traveling around, our favourite spot is Huskissons Bay, but its is enough to recharge my creative sprit and get back into it.

Combine business and pleasure!

You can still get away and do work, there's no rules saying you can't!

The beauty of what do is i can take my work anywhere, providing i have internet haha. Sometimes when we do go away I will still do work, but its about doing the bare minimum so you can still enjoy your time off.

The key to it is having balance, don't let the work outweigh actually having time off, constantly checking emails and making calls not only defeats the purpose, it ticks off people who you are supposed to be relaxing with.

Planning for your next trip

Plan ahead!

  • Tell clients and customers that you will be gone ahead of time, they will understand!
  • Setup auto reply emails when you are away to remind clients and customer that you are away. Be clear, state why you are away and when you will be back, also let them know how they can reach you if it's urgent.
  • Schedule invoices, emails and social media posts. Schedule as much as you can.
  • Get extra work done before you go. By getting ahead, you make getting away much more doable.

Schedule extra time when you get back

Finally, don’t tell everyone you will be back in the office Tuesday, tell them Thursday. Then, when you get back in Tuesday you can have a few days of uninterrupted time to catch up.

So start planning your next get away! and plan many more!

Do it for you, give yourself the freedom you wished for and fall in love with working for yourself all over again!

Taking time off will rejuvenate your creative sprit, recharge your batteries, and make working for yourself more enjoyable. It lets you push all your stress aside and take some time out for you, or to enjoy some much needed time with your family.

Adventure, have fun and make memories!

Nick Whiting

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